Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday run

Today I ran 7 miles. The run took me 45 minutes and I felt pretty decent for just coming back. I was supossed to do a fartlek today but Coach wanted me to just do mileage this week. After the run, Jarred and I went over to the indoor track to lift a little bit. We didn't lift much, but we did some so we can maintain our muscle tone. We threw a medicine ball a little bit, did a set of 10 on the bench press, did 10 pullups, and a set of 10 on the bicep curls. I then additionally did 10 minutes of situps and 50 pushups. Overall, it was a productive first day of the week and I am hoping to continue it throughout the rest of the week!

Day 2

On Saturday I ran 3 miles again just to get back into it. It went pretty well and my foot felt comfortable but my muscles were a little tired because I hadn't done much this past week. Sunday I decided to take off and today, Monday, I should be back in the full swing of things. Coach Scott gave me a workout schedule for now through winter break which I am very excited about and it should help me set some nice PR's for this track season.


I came back on Friday for my first run after hurting my toe. It went well but Coach Scott only made me do 3 miles. I felt comfortable and my toe didn't hurt too bad afterwards. After I ran, I did 50 pushups, 5 minutes of abs, and 1 minute of planks.

3 days off

I had to take 3 days off because of my toe. Laura said I probably sprained my big toe so for 3 days I just had to let it recover and go to the trainer. It threw off my mileage a little bit but it's a good thing it's still early in the season.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Trails and Old Shoes do not Mix

Today I started the new week by running into the trails with Jarred. Unfortunately though, about a mile into the run, I slipped because I had no traction on my shoes and fell and hurt my foot. I tried running again but I couldn't put to much pressure on my foot. I walked back to my dorm room and iced my foot for awhile. It still hurts right now and if it hurts in the morning I'm probably going to go to the trainer.

Miles: 1

Back at Liberty, November 28

Today I arrived back at Liberty at 9:00. I decided to go on a late night run for 3 miles. It was very cold and dark out so my run felt kind of creepy. I decided to just run out towards the IM fields and back to my dorm room.

Miles: 3

Last Run of Thanksgiving Break, November 27

Today I only did 3 miles of running before I hung out with James. It was a nice easy run that I did around my neighborhood. I felt comfortable, relaxed, and smooth. I'm really looking forward to racing and getting into the heart of my winter track training.

Miles: 3

Easy Day, November 26, 2010

I only ran 4 miles today. We had gone black friday shopping so I ran after I took a small nap. I was still really tired however and called it a day after 4 miles.

Miles: 4

Thanksgiving Run, November 25

Today I ran in the trails with some of my old teammates. I was able to run with Clint, McClaff, Jones (still my teammate), and Ryan. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed catching up with everyone. We ran trail of Seaman and my trail and ended up doing about 5 miles.

Miles: 5

First Day Back, November 24, 2010

Last Wednesday was my first day back to running. I did 5 miles easy around my neighborhood and I felt very relaxed and comfortable. I'm really excited to get back into training and having a very good winter track season. I also did 100 pushups, 10 minutes of situps, and 2 minutes of planks.

Miles: 5

Sunday, November 14, 2010


So I'm in the middle of my break and I'm ready to start training for winter track. I'm really enjoying my break but I'm also really excited to run indoors. I'm hoping I'll go pretty fast and get some big PR's this winter. Over my break, I've been doing some pushups, situps, and planks. I haven't done them everyday but a couple of days. I'm hoping all of this next week off I will continue to be working on my core. This week I should do core work everyday.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Time trial

Yesterday I did my 3k time trial. It went very well actually and I stayed very consistent throughout the race. I went out for the first k at a 3:01, my second k was a 3:02, and my last k was a 3:00. I went 9:03 total and I was excited about that time. I thought it was a good start for track. I've never been in that type of shape for a 3k at the end of a cross country season. Hopefully for indoor, I will be able to break 8:50. After my run I strectched back at the dorm. I also did pushups and situps before bed. I was up really late so I only did a little bit but I still wanted to make sure I did something. I did 25 pushups, 1 minute of crunches, and 1 minute of planks.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Pre-Time Trial

Today I did a pre race for a time trial I'm going to be doing tomorrow. I am racing a 3k on the track tomorrow to see where I'm going to be starting for the winter track season. After I do the time trial, I'm probably going to be taking a 2 week break and then get back into the training at Thanksgiving time. Today I did about 4 miles in 27 minutes. I then did 3 200's on the track just to get my legs moving for tomorrow. I went 32, 31, and 31. I felt pretty good and am looking forward to tomorrow. My goal is to break 9:00 in the 3k. If I'm at 9 or under, I'm going to go an extra 200 meters and see if I can break my 2 mile PR. I'm thinking about wearing my blue and black zoom forever xc's to race tomorrow. I think I might use them for the steeple chase so I'd like to get used to wearing them. After practice, I did some stretching and some core. I'd like to stretch everyday now because I think it will help with the steeple chase and my running in general. I also am going to be doing core everyday to get stronger and more power. Today I did 100 pushups, 10 minutes of crunches, and 2 minutes of planks. I'm looking forward to tomorrow and the indoor season. I really want to accomplish all of my goals and run for the glory of God by giving my best in practice and races.

Goals for Winter Track

To begin my training and my season, I wrote out all of my goals for winter track. My first goal is to honor God with my running and love him to matter what happens. I also have some time goals and other goals to encourage me to train hard and put in the time I need to:

1. My 3k time goal is 8:45
2. My 5k time goal is 15:30
3. I want to develop a more consistent training plan.
4. I want to do work for the 3k steeple in the spring.
5. I want to work on my flexibility.
6. I want to give my best.

These are my goals for this winter track season. At the end of the season I would like to come back and check off each one of these goals as completed.

Romans 12: Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.