Monday, November 8, 2010

Pre-Time Trial

Today I did a pre race for a time trial I'm going to be doing tomorrow. I am racing a 3k on the track tomorrow to see where I'm going to be starting for the winter track season. After I do the time trial, I'm probably going to be taking a 2 week break and then get back into the training at Thanksgiving time. Today I did about 4 miles in 27 minutes. I then did 3 200's on the track just to get my legs moving for tomorrow. I went 32, 31, and 31. I felt pretty good and am looking forward to tomorrow. My goal is to break 9:00 in the 3k. If I'm at 9 or under, I'm going to go an extra 200 meters and see if I can break my 2 mile PR. I'm thinking about wearing my blue and black zoom forever xc's to race tomorrow. I think I might use them for the steeple chase so I'd like to get used to wearing them. After practice, I did some stretching and some core. I'd like to stretch everyday now because I think it will help with the steeple chase and my running in general. I also am going to be doing core everyday to get stronger and more power. Today I did 100 pushups, 10 minutes of crunches, and 2 minutes of planks. I'm looking forward to tomorrow and the indoor season. I really want to accomplish all of my goals and run for the glory of God by giving my best in practice and races.

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