Monday, November 8, 2010

Goals for Winter Track

To begin my training and my season, I wrote out all of my goals for winter track. My first goal is to honor God with my running and love him to matter what happens. I also have some time goals and other goals to encourage me to train hard and put in the time I need to:

1. My 3k time goal is 8:45
2. My 5k time goal is 15:30
3. I want to develop a more consistent training plan.
4. I want to do work for the 3k steeple in the spring.
5. I want to work on my flexibility.
6. I want to give my best.

These are my goals for this winter track season. At the end of the season I would like to come back and check off each one of these goals as completed.

Romans 12: Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.

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