Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Time trial

Yesterday I did my 3k time trial. It went very well actually and I stayed very consistent throughout the race. I went out for the first k at a 3:01, my second k was a 3:02, and my last k was a 3:00. I went 9:03 total and I was excited about that time. I thought it was a good start for track. I've never been in that type of shape for a 3k at the end of a cross country season. Hopefully for indoor, I will be able to break 8:50. After my run I strectched back at the dorm. I also did pushups and situps before bed. I was up really late so I only did a little bit but I still wanted to make sure I did something. I did 25 pushups, 1 minute of crunches, and 1 minute of planks.

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