Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday run

Today I ran 7 miles. The run took me 45 minutes and I felt pretty decent for just coming back. I was supossed to do a fartlek today but Coach wanted me to just do mileage this week. After the run, Jarred and I went over to the indoor track to lift a little bit. We didn't lift much, but we did some so we can maintain our muscle tone. We threw a medicine ball a little bit, did a set of 10 on the bench press, did 10 pullups, and a set of 10 on the bicep curls. I then additionally did 10 minutes of situps and 50 pushups. Overall, it was a productive first day of the week and I am hoping to continue it throughout the rest of the week!

Day 2

On Saturday I ran 3 miles again just to get back into it. It went pretty well and my foot felt comfortable but my muscles were a little tired because I hadn't done much this past week. Sunday I decided to take off and today, Monday, I should be back in the full swing of things. Coach Scott gave me a workout schedule for now through winter break which I am very excited about and it should help me set some nice PR's for this track season.


I came back on Friday for my first run after hurting my toe. It went well but Coach Scott only made me do 3 miles. I felt comfortable and my toe didn't hurt too bad afterwards. After I ran, I did 50 pushups, 5 minutes of abs, and 1 minute of planks.

3 days off

I had to take 3 days off because of my toe. Laura said I probably sprained my big toe so for 3 days I just had to let it recover and go to the trainer. It threw off my mileage a little bit but it's a good thing it's still early in the season.